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Chief Instructors

Founders of Modern Systema


Mikhail Ryabko

Colonel of the Special Operations Unit with the Russian Military, Director and Chief Instructor of Systema Headquarters, Moscow 

Mikhail Ryabko was trained from the age of five and involved in combative training from the age of fifteen. He worked in militia in RF Ministry of Interior Security Department, trained the Minister's security guards. He was a tactical commander of hostage-rescue teams, counter-terrorist operations, and armed criminal neutralization. Mikhail resides in Moscow, holds the rank of Colonel and was an assistant to RF General Prosecutor. He is a veteran of military actions and veteran of labor. He has been in numerous military campaigns and holds many medals and awards from the government and from the Russian Orthodox Church. He continues to train many students as the Master Teacher of Systema.

Russian Martial Art "Systema"

Club "St. Alexander Nevski"

+381 62 1506 574

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